  • 张耀中,沈莉,周秀亚,鞠莉莉.二冲程低速机排气集管膨胀节选型分析[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):39-41.    [点击复制]
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中船动力研究院有限公司,上海 200120
关键词:  排气集管  膨胀节  选型  有限元分析
Selection and Analysis of Two Stroke Low Speed Diesel Engine Exhaust Manifold Expansion Joint
Zhang Yaozhong,Shen Li,Zhou Xiuya,Ju Lili
China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institution Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200120
Abstract:Based on the finite element analysis of a certain type of diesel engine′s exhaust manifold, the deformation caused by high temperature and high pressure is analyzed. The results show that in axial direction of the exhaust manifold, the exhaust gas pressure has small influence on the deformation of the exhaust manifold, the deformation is caused mainly by thermal load. However, in radial direction, both exhaust gas pressure and thermal load may cause big deformation. The research results offer reference for the type selection and installation of expansion joint.
Key words:  exhaust manifold  expansion joint  type selection  finite element analysis