  • 牛军军,陈祎博,宋雅丽,董晶瑾,屠丹红.某中速柴油机齿轮修形分析[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):35-38.    [点击复制]
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中船动力研究院有限公司,上海 200120
关键词:  中速柴油机  曲轴齿轮  修形
Gear Modification Analysis of a Type of Medium-Speed Diesel Engine
Niu Junjun,Chen Yibo,Song Yali,Dong Jingjin,Tu Danhong
China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institution Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200120
Abstract:Modification plays an important role in improving gear meshing quality and reducing gear transmission vibration and noise. Based on KISSsoft software, the crankshaft gear of a medium-speed diesel engine was studied and the gear shape modification design analysis was carried out. The changes of parameters such as tooth surface contact stress, gear transmission error and root bending stress before and after crankshaft gear modification were obtained, which provided a theoretical basis for optimizing gear modification in the future.
Key words:  medium-speed diesel engine  crankshaft gear  modification