  • 毛平安,黄第云,蓝宇翔,杨占林.大功率V型柴油机主轴承座结构强度模拟分析[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):30-34.    [点击复制]
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广西玉柴机器股份有限公司,广西 玉林 537005
关键词:  大功率V型柴油机  主轴承座  结构强度  有限元分析
Simulation Analysis on the Structure Strength of Main Bearing Seat of a Large V Type Diesel Engine
Mao Pingan,Huang Diyun,Lan Yuxiang,Yang Zhanlin
Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd., Guangxi Yulin 537005
Abstract:The FEM model of a large V type diesel engine was established, including engine body, main bearing seat, crankshaft, baring and fastening bolt. The stress and fatigue of main bearing seat, bearing back pressure, deformation of main bearing hole were analyzed under three conditions respectively, which were bolt pretightening, bearing interference, dynamic pressure. Further fatigue analysis show that the new designed main bearing seat meets with the requirement of structure strength.
Key words:  large power V type diesel engine  main bearing set  structure strength  FEM analysis