  • 黄晔晖,曹忠辉,赵世奇.基于柴油机性能改造的配气凸轮型线简易设计方法[J].柴油机,2024,46(6):42-48.    [点击复制]
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摘要:在柴油机性能改造过程中,通过原机配气结构参数建立GT-Vtrain 配气机构模型。在模型中输入原机的凸轮型线,计算得到原机配气凸轮的最大正向加速度、最大负向加速度、最大加速度导数以及缓冲段最大速度,以此作为改型配气凸轮的动力学性能约束条件。根据柴油机性能改造要求的配气相位,计算得到改型凸轮型线数据。经输入配气机构模型验证,改型凸轮的缓冲段最大速度、最大正负加速度、最大加速度导数等参数均不超过原机,未出现反跳、接触应力过大、气门飞脱等现象,可确定改型凸轮型线满足设计要求。
关键词:  柴油机  配气凸轮  型线设计
Simple Design Method for Valve Cam Profile Based on Diesel Engine Performance Improvement
HUANG Yehui,CAO Zhonghui,ZHAO Shiqi
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108,China
Abstract:In the process of diesel engine performance improvement,a valve train model was established by GT-Vtrain software based on the original engine valve structure parameters.The cam profile of the original machine was inputted into the model,the maximum forward acceleration,maximum negative acceleration,maximum acceleration derivative,and maximum speed of the buffer section of the original valve cam was calculated,and was used as the dynamic performance constraint condition for the modified valve cam.According to the required valve timing for diesel engine performance modification,the modified cam profile data was calculated.The valve mechanism model was inputted to verify that the maximum speed of the buffer section of the modified cam,maximum forward acceleration,maximum negative acceleration as well as maximum acceleration derivative,etc.,does not exceed the original engine,and there is no phenomenon of rebound, excessive contact stress or valve detachment,and the modified cam profile meets the design requirements.
Key words:  diesel engine  valve cam  profile design