  • 吕步高,崔俊峰,汤义虎,陈康,孟祥慧.船用发动机喷油器重载工况下的滚轮-滚轮销混合热弹流润滑分析[J].柴油机,2025,47(1):22-30.    [点击复制]
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上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240;中船动力研究院有限公司, 上海 200120;重庆红江机械有限责任公司, 重庆 402160
摘要:喷油器中的摩擦损失以滚轮-滚轮销副为主,并且容易发生磨损、卡滞等问题。因此,针对滚轮-滚轮销副摩擦学性能,建立重载工况下的考虑喷油器压力的混合热弹流润滑模型,获得该摩擦副在一个工作循环内的摩擦学结果。经分析表明,来自喷油器的极高压力会显著降低滚轮-滚轮销摩擦副之间的油膜厚度,并且产生明显的弹性变形以及较高的微凸体接触和油膜温升现象。研究滚轮-滚轮销配合间隙对减摩和降磨的影响,结果表明,当配合间隙为20 μm时可以降低约30.7%的摩擦损失以及25.0%的磨损负载,合适的配合间隙可以有效改善滚轮-滚轮销副的润滑状态,降低摩擦和磨损。
关键词:  船用发动机  喷油器  滚轮-滚轮销副  重载工况  混合热弹流润滑
Mixed Thermo-Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis for Roller-Pin Pair in the Fuel Injector of Marine Engines under Heavy Duty
LYU Bugao,CUI Junfeng,TANG Yihu,CHEN Kang,MENG Xianghui
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200120, China;Chongqing Hongjiang Machinery Co., Ltd., Chongqing 402160, China
Abstract:The friction loss in the fuel injector is dominated by the roller-pin pair,which is prone to wear,seizure,and other problems.In order to analyze the tribological performance of the roller-pin pair,a mixed thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication(TEHL)model under heavy-duty conditions was established,considering the effect of fuel injection pressure,and the tribological results during one working cycle were obtained.The analysis showed that the extremely high fuel pressure significantly reduces the oil film thickness between the roller-pin tribopair,resulting in significant elastic deformation and severe asperity contact and temperature rise of oil film.The effects of the roller-pin clearance on friction and wear reductions are studied,and an optimized clearance of 20 μm can reduce friction loss by 30.7% and wear load by 25.0%,indicating that a suitable clearance can effectively improve the lubrication state of the roller-pin pair and reduce friction and wear.
Key words:  marine engine  fuel injector  roller-pin pair  heavy load  mixed thermo- elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication