  • 马跃,刘瑞,蒋禹奇,衣然,孟杨谦.甲醇气道喷射柴油引燃模式在船用发动机上的应用[J].柴油机,2025,47(1):53-58.    [点击复制]
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先进船舶发动机技术全国重点实验室, 上海 201108;上海船用柴油机研究所, 上海 201108
关键词:  船用发动机  甲醇-柴油双燃料模式  燃烧  排放
Application of Methanol Port Injection and Diesel Pilot Injection Mode in a Marine Engine
MA Yue,LIU Rui,JIANG Yuqi,YI Ran,MENG Yangqian
National Key Laboratory of Marine Engine Science and Technology, Shanghai 201108, China;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract:The combustion and emission characteristics of methanol port injection and diesel pilot injection mode were studied on a 6-cylinder marine engine under different substitution rates.The results show that the dual-fuel mode can run stably in the load range of 25% to 100%,and the main factors limiting the increase of substitution rate are knock and high pressure rise rate.The highest substitution rate in this study is 60%,which occurs at 75% load.With the increase of substitution rate,two-peak heat release characteristics gets more and more obvious,the combustion phase moves forward,but the overall combustion duration showed a trend of extension,it decreases only when the substitution rate increases to certain extent.
Key words:  marine engine  methanol-diesel dual fuel mode  combustion  emission