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中国北方发动机研究所,天津 300400
关键词:  燃油  压力  弹性模量  计算方法
A Calculation Method of Fuel Effective Bulk Elastic Modulus
LI Huale,WANG Min,KANG Yanhong,MA Liang
China North Engine Research Institute, Tianjin 300400, China
Abstract:In order to quantitatively study the effective bulk elastic modulus of fuel under different pressures,based on the definition and the test data of the fuel effective bulk elastic modulus,the quadratic function and the linear function expression of the effective bulk elastic modulus of the fuel with pressure change were solved by MATLAB software.Comparison between the two and experimental test data show that the two calculation methods are basically consistent with the test data,but the accuracy of the quadratic function expression is higher.Based on the quadratic function expression of the effective bulk elastic modulus,the calculation method of fuel density under different pressures was derived.
Key words:  fuel  pressure  elastic modulus  calculation method