  • 孙潇琪,郭丰泽,戎志祥.某特种废气旁通式涡轮增压柴油机功率提升分析[J].柴油机,2021,43(2):1-6.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  特种柴油机  功率  废气旁通式增压系统
Power Raising Analysis of a Special Diesel Engine WithExhaust Bypass Turbocharging System
Sun Xiaoqi,Guo Fengze,Rong Zhixiang
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:In particular environment, a special diesel engine had the problems of insufficient intake, blocked exhaust, worsening combustion and high exhaust temperature, which led to serious decline in power and fuel economy. To solve these problems, the exhaust bypass turbocharging system was proposed as the solution. The GT-Power software was used to construct the one-dimensional simulation model of the special diesel engine, and the model was calibrated by test. On this basis, the matching simulation analysis of the exhaust bypass turbocharging system was carried out and demonstrated by experiments. The results show that the exhaust bypass turbocharging system can realize diesel engine power improvement of 10%, and both the temperature in front of turbine and the maximum combustion pressure are within the limits.
Key words:  special diesel engine  power  exhaust bypass turbocharging system