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武汉理工大学 能源与动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063
关键词:  船用低速柴油机  电磁阀  动态响应特性  结构优化
Simulation and Structure Optimization of Marine Low-SpeedDiesel Fuel Injection Control Valve
He Yuhai,Zheng Li
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei Wuhan 430063
Abstract:To study the electromagnetic valve for fuel injection control in a self-developed electronically controlled hydraulic booster injector, the hydraulic simulation model of the solenoid valve was built in LMS-AMESim, and the electromagnet simulation model was built in ANSYS-Maxwell. The electromagnet data in Maxwell was coupled by the electromagnet query model in AMESim. The test on the comprehensive performance test platform for the solenoid valve verified the accuracy of this model. The model was used to simulate and analyze the dynamic response characteristics, flow capacity and leakage volume factors of the solenoid valve. On this basis, the structure optimization design of the solenoid valve was completed. The results show that although the solenoid valve leakage increases by 3.57% after optimization, the turn-on response speed increases by 10.8%, and the turn-off response speed increases by 25.8%.
Key words:  marine low-speed diesel engine  solenoid valve  dynamic response speed  structure optimization