  • 张慧,谷峰,张函桥,贺晓亮,岳峰.基于声表面波的内燃机连杆轴瓦测温方法及应用[J].柴油机,2020,42(3):43-47.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  内燃机  声表面波  无线无源  连杆轴瓦  温度测量
Temperature Measuring Method of Connecting Rod Bearings of InternalCombustion Engines Based on Surface Acoustic Wave and its Application
Zhang Hui,Gu Feng,Zhang Hanqiao,He Xiaoliang,Yue Feng
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:The varied methods of temperature measuring used on connecting rod bearings of internal combustion engines both at home and abroad were compared. The advantages and disadvantages of each method were analyzed and surface acoustic wave (SAW) turned out to a good choice for long-term measuring method for connecting rod bearing. The working principle of SAW resonator is briefly introduced, and a set of temperature measuring system for connecting rod bearings was designed. The difficulties in system design are introduced in detail. The static temperature calibration of this system was carried out and verified on an engine. The test results show that this system boasts equal measuring accuracy as advanced products from abroad, features stable signals on single cylinder engine, reliable performance and satisfy the requirements of temperature monitoring of connecting rod bearing, thus can be large-scale app-lied in this industry.
Key words:  internal combustion engine  surface acoustic wave  wireless and passive  connecting rod bearing  temperature measuring