  • 高树征,徐一红,刘芳,吕殿祥,孟庆芦.非道路电控柴油机排放耐久台架试验的替代法研究[J].柴油机,2018,40(2):25-29, 35.    [点击复制]
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山东交通学院, 山东 济南 250357;山东管理学院, 山东 济南 250357;广东德力柴油机有限公司, 广东 佛山 528303;山东鑫亚工业股份有限公司, 山东 聊城 252000
关键词:  电控柴油机  排放耐久试验  工程替代法
Study on Substitution Method of Emission Durability Bench Test forNon-Road Electronically-Controlled Diesel Engines
Gao Shuzheng,Xu Yihong,Liu Fang,Lyu Dianxiang,Meng Qinglu
ShanDong JiaoTong University,Shandong Jinan 250357;Shandong Management University, Shandong Jinan 250357;Guangdong Delux Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Guangdong Foshan 528303;Shandong Xinya Industrial Co.Ltd., Shandong Liaocheng 252000
Abstract:To achieve the saving, reduction and recovery of energy, the equivalent engineering alternative method of non-road diesel engine emission endurance bench test was studied. The determination principle of equivalent test was discussed, and the preliminary numerical relationship model was established. Based on the operation parameters of diesel engines collected by ECU, and combined with calibration database, the output power and fuel consumption of electronically controlled diesel engine were calculated. The bench test and engineering alternative test was carried out on an electronically-controlled common rail 188F diesel engine. The results show that the engineering alternative method could meet the normal engineering requirements. Therefore, it is proved to be feasible to apply the engineering equivalent alternative method to the emission endurance test of non-road electronic controlled diesel engine under certain conditions, and is very valuable in application.
Key words:  electronically-controlled diesel engine  emission endurance test  engineering alternative method