  • 张乾坤,樊丰,王,杜巍.火焰进气预热塞电加热特性分析[J].柴油机,2018,40(2):30-35.    [点击复制]
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北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院,北京 100081;中国人民解放军驻5460厂军事代表室,河北 石家庄 050081;河北华北柴油机有限责任公司,河北 石家庄 050081
摘要:在自行建立的火焰进气预热塞试验台上,研究了不同通电电压、空气流速、环境温度下火焰进气预热塞的电加热特性,得出预热塞电功率、预热塞电热棒表面温度随加热时间的变化规律。结果表明:随着时间的推移,预热塞的电功率表现出先期快速下降,后期缓慢下降的特性;预热塞电热棒表面温度表现出先期快速上升,后期缓慢上升的特性。随着通电电压的增大,电功率先期下降的速度越快,电热棒表面温度先期上升的速度越快,加热90 s时,预热塞的电功率和电热棒表面温度随着电压的增加而近似线性增加;随着空气流速的增加或环境温度的下降,电热棒表面温度先期上升的速度变慢,加热90 s时,电热棒表面温度随着空气流速的增加或环境温度的下降而近似线性下降。
关键词:  火焰进气预热塞  电加热特性  电功率  表面温度
Study on the Electro-Thermal Characteristics with an Flame Inlet Preheating Plug
Zhang Qiankun,Fan Feng,Wang Yan,Du Wei
School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081;Military Representative Office of PLA in 5460 Factory, Hebei Shijiazhuang 050081;Hebei Huabei Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Hebei Shijiazhuang 050081
Abstract:The electro-thermal characteristics of the flame inlet preheating plug under the conditions of different power supply voltage, air flow rate and ambient temperature were studied on the self-established test platform for flame inlet preheating plug. And the change laws of the preheating plug's electric power and the electro-thermal bar's surface temperature with heating time were measured. The results indicate that as time goes by,the electric power of the preheating plug shows rapid decline in the early period and slow descent afterwards; moreover, the surface temperature of the electro-thermal bar shows rapid increase in the early stage and slow rise in the later stage; with the increase of the voltage, the faster the electric power decreases in the early period, and the more rapidly the surface temperature of the electro-thermal bar increases in the early period; when the heating time is 90 s, the electric power of the preheating plug and the surface temperature of the electro-thermal bar increases almost linearly with increased voltage; with the increase of the air flow rate or the decrease of the ambient temperature, the electro-thermal bar's surface temperature increases slowly in the early period, and when the heating time is 90 s, the surface temperature of the electro-thermal bar decreases almost linearly with increased flow rate or decreased ambient temperature.
Key words:  flame inlet preheating plug  electro-thermal characteristics  electric power  surface temperature