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关键词:  组合活塞  热-结构耦合分析  疲劳寿命
Thermo-structure Coupling Analysis and Temperature FieldForecast of a Composite Piston in Marine Large Power Diesel Engine
Zhong Wei,Liu Jinxing,Li Quan
Naval Deputy Office of Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:A 3D finite element model of a composite piston in diesel engine was set up. The temperature data of similar engines got from literatures was defined as the temperature boundary conditions. And the convection heat transfer coefficients(HTC)on the surface of the piston was obtained through empirical formula. All the above analysis results are used to forecast the temperature field of the new designed composite piston. Then based on the temperature field calculation results and the structural stress suffered by the piston, the thermo-structure coupling and fatigue analysis are carried out on this new designed piston. The analysis results show that the design of this piston is rational and the safety coefficients of different parts are all above 1.5.
Key words:  composite piston  thermo-structure coupling analysis  fatigue life〖FL