  • 刘振明,欧阳光耀,安士杰,常汉宝.高压共轨柴油机蓄压式喷油器喷嘴内流特性研究[J].柴油机,2014,36(1):8-10, 25.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  高压共轨  蓄压腔  喷油器  流动特性  CFD
Study on the Flow Characteristics ofAccumulator Injector of High-pressure Common Rail Diesel Engine
Liu Zhenming,OuYang Guangyao,An Shijie,Chang Hanbao
College of Naval Marine and Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Hubei Wuhan 430033
Abstract:According to the big flow characteristics of heavy duty diesel engine, the accumulator injector of common rail engine was designed. The CFD software was used to establish the multi-dimension two phase flow model of the fuel flow in the injector, and then the influence of accumulator parameters to fuel flow in injector was researched and analyzed. The results indicate that as the increasing of section area of the restriction orifice, the cavitation effect is strengthened, the flow rate is reduced and the discharge is decreased. As the cubage of the accumulator chamber is enlarged, the cavitation effect is strengthened and the fuel flow rate in injector orifice becomes slow.
Key words:  high pressure common rail  accumulator chamber  injector  flow characteristic  CFD〖FL