  • 周灿,陈其豪,伍致承,潘诚晋,李清毅,郑成航.船舶碳捕集系统关键设备及节能工艺模拟优化[J].柴油机,2024,46(5):23-30.    [点击复制]
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浙江大学嘉兴研究院, 嘉兴 314031;浙江大学, 杭州 310027;浙江省能源集团有限公司, 杭州 310007
摘要:针对船舶碳捕集装备安装空间受限和解吸过程再生热耗高等问题,基于Aspen Plus仿真软件,搭建船舶碳捕集工艺系统模型。通过优化吸收塔、解吸塔尺寸及填料结构,将吸收塔和解吸塔填料高度降低30%以上,可实现二氧化碳捕集效率达90%以上的同时CO2再生热耗降低14%以上。进一步结合级间冷却工艺、富液分流工艺、贫液闪蒸工艺和发动机废气余热利用,可实现船舶废气CO2高效、紧凑、低能耗捕集,CO2再生热耗可低于2.1 GJ/t 。
关键词:  船舶碳捕集系统  工艺优化  能耗
Simulation and Optimization of Key Equipment and Energy-Saving Process for Marine Carbon Capture System
ZHOU Can,CHEN Qihao,WU Zhicheng,PAN Chengjin,LI Qingyi,ZHENG Chenghang
Jiaxing Research Institute,Zhejiang University, Jiaxing 314031,China;Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027,China;Zhejiang Energy Group Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310007,China
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of limited installation space of marine carbon capture equipment and high regeneration heat consumption during desorption process,based on Aspen Plus simulation software,a model of carbon capture process system for marine exhaust gas was built, and the size of the absorber and desorption tower and the packing structure were optimized.Both the packing height of absorber and desorption tower can be reduced by 30% or more,which could achieve CO2 capture efficiency of more than 90% while reducing the regeneration heat consumption by more than 14%. Further combined with the interstage cooling process,the rich liquid diverting process,the lean liquid flash process,and the engine exhaust waste heat utilization,the efficient,compact and low energy consumption CO2 capture of ship exhaust is achieved,and the CO2 regeneration heat consumption is as low as 2.1 GJ /t.
Key words:  marine carbon capture system  process optimization  energy consumption