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先进船舶发动机技术全国重点实验室, 上海 201108;上海船用柴油机研究所, 上海201108
关键词:  柴油机  气阀  磨损下陷  微滑移
Influence of Diesel Engine Valve Disc Structure on Micro-Slip of the Sealing Surface
ZHU Feng,LI Yaozong,LIU Mengyu
National Key Laboratory of Marine Engine Science and Technology, Shanghai 201108, China;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of wear recession of valve sealing cone surface caused by micro-slip in diesel engines with high power density,a simulation model for air valve-valve seat sealing cone micro-slip was established,and the simulation accuracy was verified by experiments.The effects of sealing cone angle,disc thickness and neck fillet on sliding amplitude of sealing cone surface were investigated.The results indicate that:The cone angle of sealing surface has greatest influence on the slip amplitude of cone surface,and the slip amplitude significantly increases with the increase of the angle;The thickness of valve disc has less effect on the sliding amplitude,the sliding amplitude decreases with the increase of the thickness;The effect of neck fillet on conical surface micro slip is minimal,and within a certain range,the amount of slip increases with the increase of neck fillet.
Key words:  diesel engine  valve  wear recession  micro-slip