  • 李明,肖飞,杨阳,薛京.船舶湿法脱硫排气白色烟羽治理技术[J].柴油机,2024,46(1):22-28.    [点击复制]
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摘要:基于温湿图切线模型,采用直接加热法、空气加热混合法和冷凝法对温度为20~30 ℃、相对湿度为80%的船舶烟气进行消白设计。经湿法脱硫后,对于温度为30 ℃的烟气,用空气加热混合法所需的临界温升为直接加热法的49%,且空气加热混合法工艺较简单,经济性更好。针对某船舶主机设计空气加热混合法除白烟方案,加装混合器后,烟气和空气混合更均匀。CFD计算结果显示,在当量比为7.6%的理想空气条件下,混合器可使换热效果从4%提升至62%;当量比为13.7%时经济性较好,换热效果可达90%。
关键词:  湿法脱硫  烟羽治理  空气加热混合法  混合器温度场
White Plume Treatment Technology for Wet Desulfurization Exhaust Gas of Ships
LI Ming,XIAO Fei,YANG Yang,XUE Jing
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract:Based on the tangent model of the temperature-humidity diagram,the design of de-plume system was carried out for ship flue gas at 20?30℃ and 80% relative humidity using direct heating method,mixing air heating method and condensation method.For flue gas at 30°C after wet desulfurization,the critical temperature rise required by the mixing air heating method was only 49% of that of the direct heating method.The mixing air heating method had a simpler process and better economy.The de-plume system was designed for a ship main engine using mixing air heating method,and the installation of a mixer can make the flue gas and air mix more evenly.The CFD calculation results show that the mixer can increase the heat transfer effect from 4% to 62% at 7.6% ideal air equivalent ratio,and when the air equivalent ratio is 13.7%,the economy is better,and the heat transfer efficiency can reach 90%.
Key words:  wet desulfurization  plume treatment  mixing air heating method  mixer temperature field