  • 王晓璐,金江善,张岳,姚汉奇.光栅型缸压传感器解调系统设计[J].柴油机,2024,46(2):49-54.    [点击复制]
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摘要:为使携带被测量信息的光信号更加真实地还原缸压信号,从光纤感知原理出发分析解调系统构成和工作过程,设计解调缸压信号的电路结构并分析研究参数指标取值。利用Cadence PSpice仿真软件及电路图制版实物试验验证了所做工作的合理性。对所设计电路进行灵敏度分析,确定对电路工作性能影响较大的关键元器件,并预测关键器件取不同容差±5%、±1%、±0.5%、±0.1%时电路性能指标的变化范围,可为研究人员选择最佳器件提供依据。
关键词:  布拉格光栅传感器  解调系统  缸压信号  灵敏度分析
Design of Demodulation System for Grating Type Cylinder Pressure Sensor
WANG Xiaolu,JIN Jiangshan,ZHANG Yue,YAO Hanqi
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China;National Engineering Research Center for Special Equipment and Power System of Ship and Marine Engineering, Shanghai 201108,China
Abstract:In order to make the optical signals carrying the measured information more truly restore the cylinder pressure signals,based on the principle of fiber sensing,the structure and working process of the demodulation system were analyzed.The circuit structure of the demodulation cylinder pressure signals was designed,and the parameter index values were studied.Cadence PSpice simulation software and circuit diagram plate-making experiments were used to verify the rationality of the work.The sensitivity analysis of the designed circuit was carried out to determine the key components that have a greater impact on the circuit performance,and predict the variation range of the circuit performance indexes when the key components took different tolerances of ±5%,±1%,±0.5% and ±0.1%,which can provide the basis for researchers to choose the best device.
Key words:  fiber Bragg grating sensor  demodulation system  cylinder pressure signal  sensitivity analysis