  • 陈溪,张振先,董鹏博,隆武强.液氨高压喷雾特性实验研究[J].柴油机,2024,46(1):8-14.    [点击复制]
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大连理工大学能源与动力学院,大连 116024
关键词:    高压喷射  喷雾  可视化
Experiments Study of Liquid Ammonia Spray Characteristics Under High Injection Pressure Conditions
CHEN Xi,ZHANG Zhenxian,DONG Pengbo,LONG Wuqiang
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Abstract:A spray visualization test platform was established by combining the constant volume combustion chamber and high-speed photography technology to simulate the high-temperature and high-pressure injection environment in a diesel engine cylinder,and the effects of ambient temperature,ambient pressure and injection pressure on the macroscopic spray characteristics of liquid ammonia were studied.The results show that liquid ammonia spray is very sensitive to ambient temperature,increasing the ambient temperature and pressure can both improve the ratio of ammonia evaporation to different degrees,with a more uniform distribution within the spray volume space,which in turn creates a higher-quality mixture.Although increasing the injection pressure at high ambient temperature can improve the evaporation,the increase of evaporation rate is not obvious.
Key words:  ammonia  high-pressure injection  spray  visualization