  • 王晓.基于废气再循环的防爆柴油机清洁燃烧技术[J].柴油机,2024,46(1):29-40.    [点击复制]
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中国煤炭科工集团太原研究院有限公司,太原 030006;山西天地煤机装备有限公司,太原 030006;煤矿采掘机械装备国家工程实验室,太原 030006
摘要:针对某型煤矿用防爆柴油机NOx排放物污染严重、危害大的问题,分析防爆柴油机的燃烧过程,建立燃烧数学模型。通过流体仿真分析软件对基于废气再循环系统的防爆柴油机的清洁燃烧过程模拟仿真并进行台架试验。试验结果表明:在8种工况下加装废气再循环的系统在优化后的废气再循环开度下防爆柴油机CO排放加权平均值为0.004 5%,与未加装废气再循环的系统相比体积分数增加0.004 5%;加装废气再循环的系统在优化后的废气再循环开度下防爆柴油机NOx排放加权平均值为93.35×10-6,与未加装废气再循环的系统相比降低56.17%,采用废气再循环的系统对降低防爆柴油机的NOx排放效果明显。
关键词:  防爆柴油机  废气再循环  清洁燃烧  控制策略
Clean Combustion Technology of Explosion-Proof Diesel Engine Based on Exhaust Gas Recirculation
CCTEG Taiyuan Research Institute Co.,Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, China;Shanxi Tiandi Coal Mining Machinery Co.,Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, China;China National Engineering Laboratory for Coal Mining Machinery, Taiyuan 030006, China
Abstract:In response to the serious pollution and significant harm of NOx emissions from an explosion-proof diesel engine used in a coal mine,the combustion process of the explosion-proof diesel engine was analyzed and a combustion mathematical model was established.The clean combustion process of an explosion-proof diesel engine based on exhaust gas recirculation system was simulated and analyzed using fluid simulation analysis software,and then bench tests were conducted.The experimental results show that:With the optimized exhaust gas recirculation opening,the weighted average CO emission of explosion-proof diesel engines with an exhaust gas recirculation system installed under eight operating conditions is 0.004 5%,which increases the volume fraction by 0.004 5% compared to those without an exhaust gas recirculation system;The weighted average value of NOx emissions of explosion-proof diesel engines with an optimized exhaust gas recirculation system is 93.35×10-6,which is 56.17% lower than that without an exhaust gas recirculation system;The use of exhaust gas recirculation system technology has significantly improved the reduction of NOx emissions from explosion-proof diesel engines.
Key words:  explosion-proof diesel engine  exhaust gas recirculation  clean combustion  control strategy