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关键词:  贫油润滑  活塞环  缸套  摩擦副
Simulation of Starved Lubrication Characteristics of Piston Ring-Cylinder Liner
CHEN Yuanping,YANG Chuanlei,WANG Yinyan,MA Xuan,WANG Hechun
College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001, China
Abstract:In order to study the lubrication characteristics of piston ring-cylinder liner friction pair under starved lubrication condition,a one-dimensional hybrid lubrication model of piston ring-cylinder liner friction pair was established based on the mean Reynolds equation and micro-convex body contact model,and on the basis of this model,the starved lubrication domain was calculated according to the thickness of the incoming oil film,and the starved lubrication model was obtained.Through the starved lubrication model,the effects of different loads,different frequencies and different starved degrees on the parameters of lubricant film thickness,friction force and friction factor were simulated.The results show that the distribution of oil film thickness under starved lubrication is similar to that under rich lubrication,but both the film thickness and the width of lubrication zone are smaller than those under rich lubrication;The proportion of micro convex body bearing capacity increases,the dynamic pressure lubrication effect is weakened,and the friction factor increases.
Key words:  starved lubrication  piston ring  cylinder liner  friction pair