  • 杨新春.轻型车扩展地区实际道路NOx排放研究[J].柴油机,2021,43(6):40-43.    [点击复制]
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北汽福田汽车股份有限公司,北京 102206
摘要:基于轻型国Ⅵ柴油车安装的后处理前、后氮氧传感器进行实际道路排放RDE(real driving emission)测试和估算。测试地区分别为环境温度40 ℃以上的吐鲁番高温地区、海拔2 800 m的格尔木高原地区和环境温度-25 ℃的海拉尔高寒地区。测试结果表明:在不同环境温度和压力下,由于采用整车热管理策略,确保了选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)系统内部温度处于NOx转化高效温度范围,在城市、城郊和高速工况下,NOx的转化效率均在85%以上;相比高温地区,高原地区车辆的NOx原排约提高3.23倍,高寒地区约提高1.81倍。现有轻型国Ⅵ车辆要满足2023年RDE法规的NOx排放限值,优化车辆原始NOx排放至关重要。
关键词:  NOx排放  RDE  环境  SCR转化效率
NOx Emission Research of Light-Duty Vehicle in Extended Region
Yang Xinchun
Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd., Beijing 102206
Abstract:The front and rear NOx sensors in the aftertreatment system of a light-duty diesel vehicle com-plying with China Ⅵ regulations were used to carry out real driving emission (RDE) test and estimation. The RDE test regions were Turpan high temperature region with ambient temperature above 40 ℃, Golmud plateau region with altitude of 2 800 m and Hailar alpine region with ambient temperature of -25 ℃. The test results showed that under different ambient temperatures and pressure, due to the vehicle thermal management strategy, the internal temperature of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system was guaranteed to be in the temperature range of maintaining highly efficient NOx conversion. The NOx conversion efficiency was more than 85% under the working condition of urban, suburban and expressway. Compared with high temperature region, the original NOx emission of the vehicle in plateau region was increased by about 3.23 times, and that was increased by about 1.81 times in alpine region. Therefore, in order to meet the NOx emission limit of RDE regulation in 2023, it is very important to optimize the original NOx emission of vehicles.
Key words:  NOx emission  RDE  environment  SCR conversion efficiency