  • 熊刚,彭军,毕坤.某船用大功率柴油机拉缸故障分析[J].柴油机,2021,43(5):44-49.    [点击复制]
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上海船用柴油机研究所,上海 200090
关键词:  船用柴油机  拉缸  活塞组件  配合尺寸
Analysis on the Scuffing Failure of a Large Power Marine Diesel Engine
Xiong Gang,Peng Jun,Bi Kun
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 200090
Abstract:To deal with the scuffing failure during the operation of a large power marine diesel engine, the engine was disassembled and inspected, and finite element simulation study were carried out. The analysis and research results showed that the blockage of lubricating oil nozzle affected the heat dissipation of piston and the effective lubrication of cylinder liner, accelerated the wear of parts under high load, and finally led to scuffing fault. Under different loads, the piston, cylinder liner and piston ring expanded outward, and there is sufficient thermal expansion allowance between the piston and cylinder liner. Interference fit will occur between piston ring and cylinder liner, which will lead to scuffing failure under the condition of high load and lubrication failure.
Key words:  marine diesel engine  scuffing  piston component  fit size