  • 吴煜,邱章杰,李群,官威.基于灰度阈值自优化模型的球墨铸铁珠光体数量评定[J].柴油机,2022,44(2):56-60.    [点击复制]
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沪东重机有限公司,上海 200135;大连理工大学,大连 116000
关键词:  自优化  灰度阈值  球墨铸铁  珠光体
Quantity Evaluation of Pearlite in Nodular Cast Iron Based on Self-Optimization Model for Gray Threshold
WU Yu,QIU Zhangjie,LI Qun,GUAN Wei
Hudong Heavy Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200135,China;Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116000,China
Abstract:In order to separate the ferrite,pearlite and graphite regions in the metallographic micrograph effectively,research was carried out on the nodular cast iron.The gray processing and binarization processing was carried out,the connected regions of pearlite and graphite was extracted one by one,the mean gray values of the regions was solved,the self-optimization model for gray threshold was established.On this basis,the quantity of pearlite in nodular cast iron could be graded and evaluated.The automatic evaluation method for the pearlite quantity was verified by taking the casting material of a diesel engine as an instance.This method could avoid the subjectivity of manual evaluation and improve the efficiency of metallographic examination remarkably.
Key words:  self-optimization  gray threshold  nodular cast iron  pearlite