  • 程俊锋,康纳新,屠丹红,常琦.低速机机架贯穿螺栓设计计算分析[J].柴油机,2020,42(2):35-37.    [点击复制]
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中船动力研究院有限公司,上海 200129
关键词:  低速机  贯穿螺栓  应力
Design and Calculation of the Through Bolt of a Low Speed Engine Frame
Cheng Junfeng,Kang Naxin,Tu Danhong,Chang Qi
China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200129
Abstract:Both ANSA and ANSYS were used in the modeling simulation of the through bolt of a low speed engine. The stress level and stress under different working condition, and the stress and amplitude change of the through bolt was discussed under different working condition. The results show that the stress amplitude of the through bolt changes due to different assembly position, and it is big at both ends and small in the middle. The research results offer reference for optimal design of through bolts.
Key words:  low speed engine  through bolt  stress