  • 颜峰,王奎,王雁冰,程俊锋.低速机扫排空系统结构分析[J].柴油机,2020,42(2):29-34.    [点击复制]
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中船动力研究院有限公司,上海 200129
关键词:  低速机  扫排空系统  应力  模态  谐响应
Structure Analysis of the Scavenge and Exhaust Systemfor Low Speed Diesel Engines
Yan Feng,Wang Kui,Wang Yanbing,Cheng Junfeng
China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200129
Abstract:A marine low-speed diesel engine adopted two-stage turbocharging,which resulted in large increase of gas pressure in scavenge and exhaust system. In order to ensure the structure safety of the system, the stress-strain, modal and harmonic response calculations for the system were carried out by finite element simulation method, and the evaluation were carried out by the norm limit value and the expe-rience parameters of the mature engines. The results show that the structure of the system can meet the requirements of stiffness and forced vibration.
Key words:  low speed engine  scavenge and exhaust system  stress  modal  harmonic response