  • 胡以怀,Elijah Musango,方云虎.二冲程柴油机机座表面振动信号的特征分析[J].柴油机,2020,42(1):37-40.    [点击复制]
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上海海事大学,上海 201306;中航鼎衡造船有限公司,江苏 江都 225217
关键词:  二冲程柴油机  主轴承  振动信号  监测
Symptom Analysis of Vibration Signals on the Surface of the Bedplate of a Two Stroke Marine Diesel Engine
Hu Yihuai,Elijah Musango,Fang Yunhu
Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306;AVIC Dingheng Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.,Jiangsu Jiangdu 225217
Abstract:The vibration signals on the surface of a marine two-stroke low-speed main engine bedplate were tested and analyzed to monitor the wear conditions of the main bearing. The test system′s constructions and measuring points are introduced. The influence of gas explosion inside combustion chambers and the impact of further main bearing on the vibration of the bedplate surface of main bearing were verified to be small by steady striking experiments. By time domain waveform analysis of the vibration signals on the bedplate surface of the diesel engine, it was proved that monitoring the impact vibration on the surface of diesel engine bedplate near main bearings was usefule to obtain the triblogical condition of main bearings, which provide a new method for the vibration monitoring of two stroke marine diesel engines.
Key words:  two stroke diesel engine  main bearing  vibration signal  monitoring