  • 黄立,李丽婷,王彬,李梅.一种改进的活塞燃气侧换热边界修正方法[J].柴油机,2019,41(5):40-42, 46.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  活塞,燃气侧,换热边界,温度场
An Improved Modification Method for Boundary ofHeat Transfer of Piston Gas Side
Huang Li,Li Liting,Wang Bin,Li Mei
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108
Abstract:A modification method for boundary heat transfer of piston gas side is proposed. Based on the traditional empirical formula method, the improved method is made following energy conservation law to modify the heat transfer of piston gas side. And a piston of a diesel engine was taken as an example for verification. The results indicated that the method could determine the heat transfer boundary condition of piston gas side more accurate than traditional empirical formula method, and more effective than 3D combustion process simulation method, thus is applicable to rapid evaluation of piston thermal field in the design of diesel engines.
Key words:  piston  gas side  heat transfer boundary condition  thermal field