  • 赵东升,李雯丽,于彦峰.几起柴油机顶升机构故障的共性原因分析及改进措施[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):56-59.    [点击复制]
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海军驻兴平地区军事代表室,陕西 兴平 713105;中国船舶重工集团公司第十二研究所,陕西 兴平 713102;陕西柴油机重工有限公司,陕西 兴平 713105
关键词:  柴油机  顶升机构  磨损  失效
Analysis of the Common Cause of Failure of the Jacking Mechanism of Several Diesel Engines and the Preventive Measures
Zhao Dongsheng,Li Wenli,Yu Yanfeng
Naval Armament Department;No.12 Research Institution of CSIC,Xingping 713102,China;Shaanxi Diesel Heavy Industry Company Ltd., Xingping 713105,China
Abstract:The jacking mechanism of diesel engine is an important system to realize the function of intake and exhaust. In recent years many failure cases of jacking mechanism have occurred in the production and practive work of diesel engines. Aiming at four typical faults, this paper analyzes the failure phenomenon in detail, finds out the common cause of failure, and puts forward improvement and preventive measures, which is helpful to improve the reliability of jacking mechanism of diesel engine.
Key words:  Diesel engine  Jacking mechanism  Abnormal wear and tear  Failure analysis