  • 段艳强,郑小华.气门与活塞碰撞故障分析及凸轮型线优化设计[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):22-25.    [点击复制]
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摘要:针对新开发的某四气门反转柴油机出现的气门与活塞碰撞问题,基于AVL-EXCITE TD软件进行配气机构仿真分析。结果表明:原正转机凸轮型线直接应用于反转机,导致反转机气门与活塞发生干涉。采用梯形函数和气门分段加速度函数对原凸轮型线进行优化设计。经运动学、动力学及性能试验验证:优化后的凸轮型线解决了气门与活塞碰撞问题,且改善了柴油机燃烧性能,燃油消耗率降低约5(g·kW-1·h-1)。
关键词:  配气机构  反转机  凸轮型线  干涉
Failure Analysis of Valve-Piston Collision and Optimal Design of Cam Profile
Duan Yanqiang,Zheng Xiaohua
Chongqing Weichai Engine Co., Ltd., Chongqing 402262
Abstract:Aiming at the valve-piston collision problem of a four-valve reversing diesel engine, simulation analysis was carried out on the valve train mechanism based on AVL-EXCITE TD software. The results showed that the original cam profile from forward rotating engine was used directly on the reverse rotating engine, and caused the air valve-piston interference on the reverse rotating engine. The cam profile was optimized through trapezoid function and valve individual section acceleration function. Verification was carried out by kinematic, dynamic and performance test, and the results showed that the optimal cam profile solved the valve-piston collision problem, improved the combustion performance of diesel engines, and reduced the fuel consumption by 5(g·kW-1·h-1).
Key words:  valve-train  reverse rotating engine  cam profile  interference