  • 肖丹丹.一种船用柴油机监测系统串口抗干扰算法研究[J].柴油机,2019,41(4):18-21.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所, 上海 201108
关键词:  船用柴油机  监测系统;串口通讯;KMP算法
Algorithm Research on Anti-interference of Serial Communication of a Marine Diesel Engine Monitoring System
Xiao Dandan
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:To solve the interference of serial communication of a marine diesel engine monitoring system, on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of KMP algorithm, its application structure was improved, and the improved algorithm was applied to serial communication between upper computer and side box. The algorithm evaluated the similarity between the pattern and the corresponding substrings in the main string, and decided whether to respond to the command according to the similarity. The test results show that the anti-interference ability of serial communication of the monitoring system is greatly improved, as well as the stability of the operation.
Key words:  marine diesel engine  monitoring system  serial communication  KMP algorithm