  • 葛平,董云庆,王维东,程世昌.曲轴喷丸工艺技术研究[J].柴油机,2018,40(6):49-54.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108
关键词:  曲轴  喷丸强化  工艺参数  残余应力
The Research on Shot Peening Technology for Crankshafts
Ge Ping,Dong Yunqing,Wang Weidong,Cheng Shichang
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108
Abstract:The mechanism of shot penning is introduced, including stress and structure strengthening. It is pointed out that using the ALMEN strip to test the strength of shot peening is not reasonable, and FEM is proposed. Aiming at the two key parameters, the speed and diameter of the shots, the processing parameters of shot peening could be determined according to the material and stress. Moreover, the relations between shot peening parameters and residual stress are analyzed. It is also emphasized that because of the structure strengthening during the strengthening process, the yield strength of the material is increased, therefore, during the FEM calculation of residual stress, the yield strength should be revised constantly.
Key words:  crankshaft  shot peening  processing parameter  residual stress