  • 曹应佳,李安康,张学艳,霍晓萌,杨景全.基于Flowmaster的船用柴油机冷却系统温控策略研究[J].柴油机,2018,40(5):34-38.    [点击复制]
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七一一研究所,上海 201108;海军驻七一一研究所军事代表室,上海 201108
关键词:  船用柴油机  冷却系统  温控策略  仿真
Study on the Temperature Control Strategy of MarineDiesel Engine Cooling System Based on Flowmaster
Cao Yingjia,Li Ankang,Zhang Xueyan,Huo Xiaomeng,Yang Jingquan
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108;Naval Deputy Office of SMDERI, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:The simulation models of single point and multi-point temperature control strategy of a marine diesel engine cooling system were established based on Flowmaster. The key parameters including temperature coefficient, flow rate and pump head (consumption) of the machine were selected to compare and analyze the two temperature control strategies under the same environmental conditions. The results show that the dynamic efficiency and economy of the engine can be improved as the circulating temperature is increased properly by the high temperature cycle with multi-control; the system heat transfer efficiency can be improved and the accessories selection requirements can be reduced as the circulating temperature is reduced properly by the low temperature cycle with single control.
Key words:  marine diesel engine  cooling system  temperature control strategy  simulation