  • 高翔,薛冬新,孟浩,王洪峰.某8缸中速柴油机冷却系统三相流固耦合传热分析[J].柴油机,2016,38(4):24-30, 45.    [点击复制]
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大连理工大学,辽宁 大连 116024;大连中车柴油机有限公司,辽宁 大连 116024
关键词:  冷却系统  三相流固耦合  CFD
Analysis of Gas-Fluid-Solid Three Phase Fluid-Solid Coupling Heat Transferof Certain Eight-Cylinder Medium Speed Diesel Engine Cooling System
Gao Xiang,Xue Dongxin,Meng Hao,Wang Hongfeng
Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Dalian 116024;Dalian CRRC Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Liaoning Dalian 116024
Abstract:In accordance with the adiabatic flow simulation of certain eight-cylinder diesel engine cooling water jacket, the cylinder with the worst cooling effect and the flow boundary condition of the cooling liquid were found out. Single cylinder head-cooling water jacket-cylinder liner fluid-solid coupling calculation of this cylinder was carried out, which delivered the results including the temperature distribution of its cylinder head and cylinder liner, water jacket flow and temperature field. Moreover, taking into account gas intake and exhaust of this cylinder, gas-fluid-solid three phase fluid-solid coupling analysis was carried out, which delivered the results including the temperature field of cylinder head and water jacket. The conditions with and without taking gas intake and exhaust into consideration were compared with eachother and finally with the test data, and the results showed that the former condition was closer to the test result, which indicated that the method was closer to the actual situation.
Key words:  cooling system  gas-fluid-solid three phase fluid-solid coupling  CFD