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武汉理工大学,湖北 武汉 430063
关键词:  柴油机;隔振系统  VB软件  优化
Optimization of Vibration Isolation Parameters ofMarine Engine Vibration Isolation System
Wang Rui,Zhu Hanhua,Zhang Xisheng,Chen Zhijian
Wuhan University of Technology,Hubei Wuhan 430063
Abstract:VB was adopted to develop the software for the optimization of single layer vibration isolation system parameters of diesel engines, based on vibration theory, using the method of diesel engine vibration isolation parameters comparison optimization, the diesel engine centrifugal force, harmonic overturning moment, natural frequency and amplitude were calculated,through the resonance frequency and the amplitude comparison, vibration isolation effects of different isolators were studied, and hence the best vibration isolation programme was selected. The research results show that, the parameters comparison and optimization method of vibration isolation of diesel engine could be used to avoid the problem that when using a single type vibration isolator, the optimization effect is worse than the ones of other vibration isolators, thus ensures the best optimization of vibration isolation, and achieves quick calculation and high efficiency.
Key words:  diesel engine  vibration isolation system  VB software  optimization