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中国北方发动机研究所, 山西大同037036
关键词:  柴油机  工作特性  道路载荷  雨流计数
Research on Operating Characteristicsof Diesel Engine Based on Road Load
Jia Zhen,Tian Caixia,Hao Jiyan,Zhang Jianmei,Yang Yongchun,Jiao Zhihua,Tian Shutong
China North Engine Research Institute, Shanxi Datong 037036
Abstract:Based on the running conditions of vehicles on the undulating and sandstone road, the output speed and torque of engines was recorded with the high-speed data acquisition equipment, which formed the road load data of different roads. The distribution characteristics of speed and torque were researched with the typical mathematical method, which called the rain flow counting method. The results show that, compared with the driving habits, the influence of road characteristics on engine operating conditions is larger. According to the conditions of different road, the main range of operating speed is different. On the undulating road, the engine runs in most time with the negative torque. During the actual application, almost all the operating conditions are lower than the designed full load conditions and durability test conditions, and so it is not appropriate to research the steady durability test method with the measured road load data.
Key words:  diesel engine  operating characteristic  road load  rain flow counting〖FL