  • 李蓝媚,王磊.喷油过程参数对极端环境条件下柴油机性能影响的仿真分析[J].柴油机,2011,33(5):23-26.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  柴油机  喷油过程  性能  极端环境
Simulation Analysis of Injection Procedure Parameters on Diesel Engine Performances under Extreme Environment
Li Lanmei,Wang Lei
Automotive Industry Investment & Service Bureau of Chengdu Economic & Technological Development Zone, SichuanChengdu610100;Repair Company of 7710
Abstract:One direct-injection diesel engine was simulated by one-dimensional software GT-SUITE. Its fuel economy, dynamic performance and emission parameters under extreme temperature or pressure environment were analyzed. According to the analysis results, the injection procedure parameters of diesel engine under extreme environment were optimized. Simulation results show that by adjusting injection parameters, the dynamical performance and fuel economy remains nearly the same under extreme high temperature condition as under common temperature environment, and emission parameters are improved to some degree. Under extreme low pressure condition, fuel economy and emission behavior of the diesel engine can be improved more or less by appropriately advancing injection angle and decreasing injection quantity.
Key words:  diesel engine  injection procedure  performance  extreme environment