  • 刘鹏,李鹏飞,黄映云.柴油机配气机构动力学性能仿真研究[J].柴油机,2011,33(3):33-36, 50.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  柴油机  配气机构  动力学  仿真
Dynamics Simulation on the Valve Trains of Diesel Engine
Liu Peng,Li Pengfei,Huang Yingyun
School of Marine and Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering,HubeiWuhan430033
Abstract:On the basis of multi-bodied systematic dynamics theory, the rigid-flexible coupled dynamics model of the whole diesel engine and separate model of valve trains were built. Based on the model, dynamics simulation study was conducted on the valve trains, then the kinematics and dynamics parameters of the valve trains were obtained. Comparison between the two models show that the whole diesel engine model can not only obtain the more reliable kinematics and dynamics simulation results, but also get the performance parameters of diesel engine\'s working process, so it can evaluate the performance of valve trains more completely and is more valuable in the study of valve trains\' dynamics performance.
Key words:  diesel engine  valve trains  dynamics  simulation