  • 胡伯宗.零碳燃料对大型发动机涡轮增压系统的影响[J].柴油机,2025,47(1):44-52.    [点击复制]
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奥赛能涡轮增压系统(重庆)有限公司上海分公司, 上海 201319
关键词:  零碳燃料  涡轮增压器  过量空气系数  压比
Effect of Zero-Carbon Fuel on Large Engine Turbocharging System
HU Bozong
Shanghai Branch, Accelleron Turbo System (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201319, China
Abstract:The ignition and combustion characteristics of fuel have a significant impact on the combustion concept and parameter changes of engines using zero-carbon fuels.The analysis focuses on the effect of ammonia and hydrogen on excess air coefficient,combustion parameters on turbochargers matching with engines.It is concluded that ammonia fuel needs a larger turbine area,while hydrogen fuel needs a compressor with much higher pressure ratio and a very small turbine,which is challenging to matching the zero-carbon fuel with the existing turbocharger portfolio.
Key words:  zero-carbon fuel  turbocharger  excess air coefficient  pressure ratio