  • 徐海成,焦亚飞,徐聪聪,李梅,叶斌.船用柴油机止推轴承润滑特性分析及优化设计[J].柴油机,2024,46(3):40-44.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  柴油机  止推轴承  承载能力  润滑特性
Lubrication Characteristics Analysis and Optimum Design of Thrust Bearing for Marine Diesel Engine
XU Haicheng,JIAO Yafei,XU Congcong,LI Mei,YE Bin
Marine Equipment Project Management Center, Beijing 100036, China;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract:In response to the abnormal wear problem of a certain type of highly-strengthened marine diesel engine thrust bearing during experiment,a three-dimensional elastic fluid dynamics simulation analysis method was adopted to compare the influence of different axial forces,oil grooves,and oil hole structures on the load-carring capacity and lubrication characteristics of the thrust bearing and experimental verification was conducted.The experimental results show that:As the axial force borne by the thrust bearing increases,there is no significant change in the peak total pressure and the maximum average thermal load,but the region expands;The use of oil grooves and oil hole structures that are more conducive to the flow of lubricating oil on the working surface of thrust plates can greatly improve the lubrication characteristics of thrust bearings and significantly enhance their load-carring capacity.
Key words:  diesel engine  thrust bearing  load-carring capacity  lubrication characteristics