  • 宗杰,王兴,朱向利,陆颖,金圻烨.船舶天然气供给系统动态模拟[J].柴油机,2024,46(5):49-57.    [点击复制]
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上海齐耀环保科技有限公司, 上海 200090;山东海运散货运输有限公司, 青岛 266011
摘要:采用Aspen HYSYS软件建立某船舶天然气供应系统动态模型,模拟燃气供气系统(fuel gas supply system,FGSS)在最大供气量(225 kg/h)下的相关工况,并研究在主机吸气量变化情况下用于维持系统稳定的各项控制逻辑模型。在最大工况时,主机供气压力可稳定为0.7 MPa,供气温度为34.45 ℃。当主机吸气量由225 kg/h降至20 kg/h时,若采用泵变频控制而维持回流阀开度不变,此时泵转速降至72.83%,供气温度为34.78 ℃,缓冲罐最大压力为707.7 kPa,最大压力波动0.16%。若采用回流阀开度控制而维持供给泵转速不变,则供气温度变为34.81 ℃,缓冲罐最大压力为711.5 kPa,回流阀开度由15.27%变为33.00%。以上结果表明,该系统可实现供气系统0~100%全工况变频调节。
关键词:  船用天然气  供气系统  Aspen HYSYS  动态模拟
Dynamic Simulation of Marine LNG Supply System
ZONG Jie,WANG Xing,ZHU Xiangli,LU Ying,JIN Qiye
Shanghai Qiyao Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200090, China;Shandong Shipping Bulk Co.,Ltd., Qingdao 266011, China
Abstract:A dynamic model of marine LNG supply system was established using Aspen HYSYS,and the relevant working conditions of fuel gas supply system(FGSS) under the maximum gas supply(225 kg/h)were simulated by this model,and various control logic model for maintaining the stability of the system under the change of the inspiratory volume of the main engine was studied.In the maximum working condition,the gas supply pressure of the main engine can be stabilized at 0.7 MPa,and the gas supply temperature was 34.45 ℃.When the intake volume of the main engine was reduced from 225 kg/h to 20 kg/h,if the pump frequency control was adopted and the return valve was maintained unchanged,the pump speed was reduced to 72.83%,the gas supply temperature was 34.78 ℃,the maximum pressure of the buffer tank was 707.7 kPa,and the maximum pressure fluctuation was 0.16%.When the return valve opening control was adopted and the supply pump speed remained unchanged,the supply gas temperature increased to 34.81 ℃,the maximum pressure of the buffer tank was 711.5 kPa,and the return valve opening increased from 15.27% to 33.00%.The research shows that the system can realize 0-100% frequency conversion adjustment in all working conditions of the gas supply system.
Key words:  marine LNG  gas supply system  Aspen HYSYS  dynamic simulation