  • 张绍荣,丁鹏,刘凤阳,李兴章,冯坦.基于机器学习的柴油机标准油耗模型[J].柴油机,2024,46(1):41-44.    [点击复制]
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东风商用车技术中心, 武汉 430056
关键词:  机器学习  柴油机  油耗模型
A Standard Diesel Engine Fuel Consumption Model Based on Machine Learning
ZHANG Shaorong,DING Peng,LIU Fengyang,LI Xingzhang,FENG Tan
Dong Feng Commercial Vehicle Technology Center, Wuhan 430056, China
Abstract:A machine learning based fuel consumption model was designed to address the issue that the truck fuel consumption was affected by multiple factors and can not be easily compared.Through the training and simulation of a large amount of data in the early stage,this model can calculate real-time fuel consumption using vehicle driving parameters(such as engine speed,torque,truck speed)and environmental factors(such as environmental temperature and pressure),and obtain cumulative fuel consumption.Ultimately,the deviation can be controlled within 3%.This method can provide new ideas for fuel consumption analysis of diesel engines.
Key words:  machine learning  diesel engine  fuel consumption model