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潍柴动力股份有限公司, 潍坊 261061
关键词:  船用中速柴油机  进气涡流比  流量系数  燃油消耗率  排放
Impact of Intake Swirl on the Performance of Medium Speed Marine Diesel Engines
ZHU Tao,ZHU Na,HE Xiaofeng
Weichai Power Co., Ltd., Weifang 261061, China
Abstract:Based on a certain medium speed marine diesel engine,different combinations of intake swirl ratios and flow coefficients were obtained by adding different eccentric chamfers at the intake valve seat rings on the bottom surface of the cylinder head. One-dimensional and three-dimensional simulation calculation methods were used to study the effects of different combinations on diesel engine fuel consumption,soot emissions,and NOx emissions,and experiments were carried out for verification. Both calculation and experimental results indicate that the swirl ratio has a completely different impact on the high and low operating conditions performance of the diesel engine.Different combinations of swirl ratio and flow coefficient were selected and applied to different segmented markets to meet varied performance requirements.
Key words:  medium speed marine diesel engine  intake swirl ratio  flow coefficient  fuel consumption rate  emission