  • 范伟成,郑诚,李赛力,平步青.斯特林发动机在钠冷快堆核电源上的应用控制策略[J].柴油机,2024,46(3):34-39.    [点击复制]
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上海船用柴油机研究所,上海 201203;上海齐耀动力技术有限公司,上海 201203
摘要:针对钠冷快堆液钠供热与斯特林发动机做功之间的时间迟滞问题,以及运行中的管壁温度不低于250 ℃、出口液钠温度不高于420 ℃的控制要求,通过分析斯特林发动机控制模型,提出在启动时采用分段速过渡过程控制策略。在运行发电时先建立钠冷快堆液钠流量与斯特林发动机工质压力关系识别控制模型,进一步使用微分提前补偿控制策略;在停车时先降低斯特林发动机转速,采用定时定量策略控制斯特林发动机工质压力后再进一步控制转速降低至零。试验结果表明,控制策略方法可实现钠冷快堆核电源斯特林发动机热电转换模块的安全运行,且发电效率达到24.5%,与理论值基本一致,该控制策略具有一定的实用性,有利于斯特林发动机在核能领域的推广使用。
关键词:  斯特林发动机  钠冷快堆  核电源  控制策略
Control Strategy of Stirling Engine Applied in Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Nuclear Power Supply
FAN Weicheng,ZHENG Cheng,LI Saili,PING Buqing
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201203,China;Shanghai Qiyao Micropowers Ltd.,Shanghai 201203,China
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of time lag between liquid sodium heating and Stirling engine doing work in sodium cooled fast reactor,as well as the control requirements that the tube wall temperature should not be lower than 250 ℃ and the outlet liquid sodium temperature should not be higher than 420 ℃,by analyzing the Stirling engine control model,a segmented speed transition process control strategy was proposed during startup.During the operation of power generation,a control model for identifying the relationship between liquid sodium flow rate and Stirling engine working medium pressure in sodium cooled fast reactor was established,and a differential advance compensation control strategy was further used.When parking,the Stirling engine speed was first reduced,a timing and quantitative strategy was used to control the Stirling engine working medium pressure,and then the speed was further controlled to zero.The actual test results show that this control strategy method achieves the safe operation of the Stirling engine thermoelectric conversion module of the sodium cooled fast reactor nuclear power supply,and the power generation efficiency reaches 24.5%,which is basically consistent with the theoretical value,indicating that this control strategy has certain practicality and is conducive to the promotion and use of the Stirling engine in the field of nuclear energy.
Key words:  Stirling engine  sodium cooled fast reactor  nuclear power  control strategy