  • 李新宇,秦政,杜柯江,刘惠民,王林涛.超临界CO2发电系统循环参数优化设计方法[J].柴油机,2024,46(4):56-62.    [点击复制]
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上海船用柴油机研究所,上海 201203
关键词:  超临界二氧化碳  布雷顿循环  优化设计  模拟
Optimization Design Method of Cycle Parameters in Supercritical CO2 Power System
LI Xinyu,QIN Zheng,DU Kejiang,LIU Huimin,WANG Lintao
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201203,China
Abstract:Based on the thermodynamic model of supercritical carbon dioxide power system,the variation law of cycle efficiency under comprehensive influence of multiple process parameters was studied.The results show that:When the maximum system pressure is lower than the critical value,the cycle efficiency decreases with the increase of inlet pressure,first increases and then decreases with the increase of the inlet temperature;When the maximum system pressure is greater than the critical value,the cycle efficiency first increases and then decreases with the increase of inlet pressure,and decreases with the increase of inlet temperature.By analyzing the reasons for the transformation of cycle efficiency with the variation of compressor inlet parameters,calculation method of the critical value of maximum cycle pressure was proposed,and a simple optimization design method of supercritical carbon dioxide simple cycle parameters which can significantly improve the efficiency of cycle parameter optimization was proposed and verified.
Key words:  supercritical carbon dioxide  Brayton cycle  optimal design  simulation