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关键词:  一维仿真  进气压力  排气背压  NOx排放
Simulation of the Influence of Working Environment on the Performance of Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine
XU Haicheng,PAN Xinglong,MA Yucheng
Power Equipment Department, Chinese Naval Armament Department Project Management Center,Beijing 100071,China;College of Power Engineering,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China;College of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China
Abstract:Based on CY4102BG four stroke diesel engine,a simulation model of diesel engine working process was established by using GT-POWER one-dimensional simulation software to study the influence of plateau and underwater working environment on diesel engine performance.The simulation results show that:With the increase of altitude,the effective power of diesel engine decreases,NOx emissions increase,and exhaust temperature increases;With the increase of underwater exhaust back pressure,the effective power of diesel engine decreases and NOx emissions increase significantly.Aiming at the deterioration of NOx emission performance of diesel engine in non-standard environment,the comprehensive performance of diesel engine was optimized by adjusting fuel injection parameters.After optimization,NOx emission of diesel engine in different working conditions was reduced by 7.3%~21.4%,and the optimization effect was obvious.
Key words:  one-dimensional simulation  intake pressure  exhaust back pressure  NOx emission