  • 毛金龙,李先南,张文正,黄立.阀门动态特性对相继增压瞬态切换过程影响分析[J].柴油机,2021,43(6):20-27, 34.    [点击复制]
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船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室,上海 201108;上海船用柴油机研究所,上海 201108
摘要:以某大型高功率密度船用柴油机为研究对象,搭建柴油机1D热力学模型,并基于台架试验数据进行模型标定。考虑阀门启闭响应时间的影响,基于标定后的1D瞬态热力学模型分析不同阀门启闭响应时间对受控增压器切入和切出过程,以及急加载过程中柴油机各主要参数的影响。分析结果表明:阀门的启闭响应时间从0 s延长至1.5 s后,柴油机和增压器的转速变化及恢复稳定运行的时刻推后,但达到最终稳定运行状态的时刻基本相同,瞬态性能未见明显恶化趋势,且柴油机转速跌落幅值减小;当同一型号不同柴油机的阀门动态响应存在较小差异时,无须调整空气阀相对燃气阀的延迟时间。
关键词:  船用柴油机  阀门  动态响应  相继增压  瞬态切换
Analysis of Valve Dynamic Characteristic Effectson Transient Switching Process of Sequential Turbocharging Mode
Mao Jinlong,Li Xiannan,Zhang Wenzheng,Huang Li
National Laboratory for Marine and Ocean Engineering Power System,Shanghai 201108;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:Taking a large high power density marine diesel engine as the research object, 1D thermodynamic model of the diesel engine was built and calibrated according to the bench test data. Considering the influence of the valve opening and closing response time, the engine performances of the controlled turbocharger tip in and tip out process and engine emergency loading process with different valve opening and closing response time were calculated with the calibrated transient 1D thermodynamic model. The results indicated that:Increasing valve opening and closing response time from 0 s to 1.5 s would lead to the delay of speed change of the diesel engine and the turbocharger and getting back to steady operation; However, the time of reaching the final steady state was almost the same and the engine performance was not deteriorated by longer reaction time, and the decrease of engine speed was smaller; It′s not necessary to change the delay time of air valve compared to gas valve with little difference of valve reaction time in different diesel engines of the same type.
Key words:  marine diesel engine  valve  dynamic characteristic  sequential turbocharging  transient switching