  • 钱伟忠,马炳杰,王志刚,王舒楠,程敏霞.船用橡胶隔振器冲击刚度曲线试验研究[J].柴油机,2021,43(1):46-48.    [点击复制]
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海军上海地区装备修理监修室,上海200090;七一一研究所,上海201108;船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程试验室,上海 201108
关键词:  橡胶隔振器  冲击刚度  预压  跌落试验
Experimental Analysis of the Shock Stiffness Curveof Marine Rubber Isolators
Qian Weizhong,Ma Bingjie,Wang Zhigang,Wang Shunan,Cheng Minxia
Department of Ship Repairing, Navy Shanghai District, Shanghai 200090;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108;National Engineering Laboratory for Marine and Ocean Engineering Power System,Shanghai 201108
Abstract:To study marine rubber isolators, the shock stiffness curves of typical rubber isolators were obtained through drop test. And quantitative analysis was carried out on the influence of preload and drop height on shock stiffness. The results show that under the same displacement, the maximum displacement of stiffness curve with preload is obviously smaller than the one without preload. And as the drop height increases, the shock speed increases, thus the shock stiffness increases too.
Key words:  rubber isolator  shock stiffness  preload  drop test