  • 邓儒超,梁伟青,刘静,张斌,黄振军,黄兴东.自由活塞式斯特林制冷机吸振器部件优化设计[J].柴油机,2022,44(4):45-49.    [点击复制]
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关键词:  自由活塞式斯特林制冷机  吸振器  模态分析  阻尼特性
Optimal Design of Vibration Absorber Components of Free Piston Stirling Refrigerator
DENG Ruchao,LIANG Weiqing,LIU Jing,ZHANG Bin,HUANG Zhenjun,HUANG Xingdong
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute,Shanghai 201108,China;Shanghai Micropowers Ltd.,Shanghai 201203,China
Abstract:The theoretical simulation analysis and structural optimization design of the absorber components of the free piston Stirling refrigerator were carried out.The structural optimization design was mainly carried out from three aspects:the balance weight layout of the vibration absorber,the fixed nut configuration and the damping characteristics.By adjusting the non-center symmetrical distribution of the counterweight,the first and second order modal deviations of the vibration absorber components were improved to avoid the impact of the overturning motion of the vibration absorber components on the vibration absorption performance;The damping material was sprayed on the surface of the vibration absorber to improve its damping characteristics and improve the vibration absorption effect.Then whole engine vibration test was carried out.The test results showed that the vibration amplitude of the whole machine after optimization was 1/5 of that before optimization,and the optimization design effect was obvious.
Key words:  free piston Stirling refrigerator  vibration absorber  modal analysis  damping characteristic