  • 石磊,董晓露,王作群,郭鑫,刘帅帅.船用柴油机共轨系统高压油管压力波动优化改进研究[J].柴油机,2020,42(6):18-22, 28.    [点击复制]
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驻上海地区第四军事代表室,上海 201108;七一一研究所,上海 201108;船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室,上海 201108
关键词:  共轨系统  轨-器高压油管  压力波动  结构
Investigation and Optimization of Pressure Fluctuation in the High PressureFuel Pipe of the Common Rail System of a Marine Diesel Engine
Shi Lei,Dong Xiaolu,Wang Zuoqun,Guo Xin,Liu Shuaishuai
Forth Military Representative Office in Shanghai, Shanghai 201108;Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108;National Engineering Laboratory for Marine and Ocean Engineering Power System, Shanghai 201108
Abstract:Aiming at the phenomenon of high pressure fluctuation in the rail-injector connecting fuel pipe of the high pressure common rail system of a marine diesel engine, a simulation model of the common rail was built with the AMESim hydraulic simulation platform to study the influence factors of the pressure fluctuation peak. Based on the analysis results, the structural improvement scheme to reduce the pressure fluctuation peak was proposed, and the optimized scheme was tested and verified. The results show that the pressure fluctuation peak can be effectively reduced by arranging a throttling hole at the common rail outlet and optimize the inner diameter of pipe.
Key words:  common rail system  rail-injector connecting high pressure fuel pipe  pressure fluctuation  structure